Where can I get a complete copy of the current industry standards?

In the United States:

Download the order form from the RESNA website or contact RESNA using the information below.

Source: RESNA
2001 K Street NW
3rd Floor North
Washington, DC 20006
PHONE: (202) 367-1121
FAX: (202) 367-2121
e-mail: info@resna.org
Web: http://www.resna.org

In Canada:

  1. Z604: Transportable Mobility Aids – (R2008)
  2. Z605: Mobility Aid Securement and Occupant Restraint Systems – (R2021)


International Standards or ISO:

Find the complete description of the ISO wheelchair transportation safety standards here.

Purchase Standards at: http://www.iso.org/iso/home.htm